Special Event Permits are required for all organized outdoor events held on municipal property including City streets, sidewalks, trails, parks, open space, and Market Square. Examples of events are parades, walk-a-thons, concerts, fairs, public gatherings and other activities that include temporary road closures. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to obtain approval for their event.
Outdoor sporting events and events held in indoor City facilities are exempt from obtaining a Special Event Permit, unless a temporary road closure is involved. Requests for road closures unrelated to events shall contact Infrastructure and Development Services.
How can we direct you?
See the Event Planning Resources A-to-Z below for additional information and considerations when planning an event. The following information is for reference only. Exact requirements and conditions will be outlined in Special Event Permit dependent on the nature of the event. For questions at any time contact the City’s Events Coordinator.
The Special Event Permit process is outlined below:
A rental contract may be required to hold a date for an event space. Organizers are to reach out to the applicable bookers for date availability as soon as possible. Review the Facilities webpage for more information
Organizers looking to host events in Parkland and Market Square should first reach out to the designated booking clerk for date availability and to start the process of facility rental contracts, if applicable. See additional information below:
Events in Parks System |
If the event takes place in the Parks System, organizers must contact the Clerk Secretary of Parks and Forestry to confirm availability and reserve the space, if applicable. A list of park attractions, features, and facilities with applicable fees can be found on our Parks & Forestry page. All events held in the Parks System are subject to approval from the Stratford Board of Park Management. The Board of Park Management is responsible for setting policy to maintain, improve and expand the City's existing designated parkland and consider the overall municipal beautification of parks and to co-operate with future expansion and development of parks. First-time events shall submit a written Letter of Request to the Board to the attention of Teresa Munro, secretary of the Board. Recurring events with prior approval shall provide in writing all on-site details annually for the information of the Board. The Board of Park Management's Policies and By-laws prohibit advertisements, signs, and selling in the Parks System unless an exemption has been granted by the Board. Organizers shall ensure measures are in places to maintain utmost protection and care of turf. Click here for a sample Letter of Request template. Events held in the Parks Systems must also complete the Special Event Application. |
Events in Market Square |
If the event takes place in Market Square, organizers must contact the City’s Events Coordinator to confirm availability and reserve the space. A security deposit is required to reserve booking. Events charging admission fees to the public are subject to daily rental fees. See Schedule C: Market Square Special Event Fee Schedule for overview on deposits and fees. Events held in Market Square must also complete the Special Event Application. |
Events on City Sidewalks and Streets |
Events held on City sidewalks or streets must complete the Special Event Application, however, a booking contract is not required. Street events include events held on private property with temporary road closures, sporting events with temporary road closures, parades, and neighbourhood block parties. Events held in the parks system with road closures should refer to parks system and events held in Market Square with road closures should refer to Market Square. Temporary road closure requests outside of events should contact the Infrastructure and Development Services. |
Step Two: Apply for Special Event Permit
All outdoor events held on municipal property, including those held in parks, in Market Square, on City sidewalks and City streets, must submit a Special Event Application. The following items must be completed and submitted to start the process:
The City’s Events Coordinator will act as a liaison to internal departments and will advise on whether or not approval has been granted. Based on the information provided in the application, internal departments will determine conditions, if any, that must be met before granting final approval. All conditions will be outlined in the Special Event Permit and must be met a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event, and may include additional insurance parameters, licences and/or permits, and/or changes to the on-site layout.
Timelines and Fees:
There is no charge for Special Event Applications submitted 12 weeks or more in advance of the proposed event date. Application received less than 12 weeks prior to the proposed event date will be subject to a $150 late fee. Depending on the nature of the event, supplementary documents may also be required closer to the event such as payment for late fees, a business licence, a list of floats and displays, alcohol permits, etc. A full list of required documents will be outlined in the Special Event Permit once issued. Please be aware that there may be fees associated with permits, licences, facility rentals, and/or other event element components.
Timeline and Fees |
Special Event Applications with accompanying site plan and/or route map are due a minimum of 16 weeks prior to the event to the City’s Events Coordinator. There is no charge for Special Event Applications submitted 12 weeks or more in advance of the proposed event date. Any late application received less than 12 weeks prior to the proposed event date will be subject to a $150 late fee. Depending on the nature of the event, supplementary documents may also be required closer to the event such as payment for late fees, a business licence, a list of floats and displays, alcohol permits, etc. A full list of required documents will be outlined in the Special Event Permit once issued. Please be aware that there may be fees associated with permits, licences, facility rentals, and/or other event element components. |
Site Plan and/or Route Map |
A site plan and/or route map is required to be submitted with the Special Event Application. Templates are available for Market Square and select parkland spaces as follows:
Organizers may also design a custom map using the City’s Interactive Map or any other mapping service. The City’s Events Coordinator can assist with the maps if needed. Ensure the site plan and/or route map meets the following:
All site plan elements and/or route maps are subject to City approval and may require revisions based on event details. Once approved, the site plan shall be adhered to for the duration of the event. Any subsequent changes to the approved site plan shall be resubmitted for consideration no later than three weeks prior to the event date. |
Step Three: Obtain Supporting Documentation
The Events Coordinator will outline any supplementary documents and approvals that may be required, such as additional licences/ permits, if applicable. Documents are due a minimum of 2 weeks prior to event date.
Insurance Provisions |
Proof of insurance coverage is required for all events taking place on municipal property including streets and sidewalks. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance (COI) is due to the City’s Events Coordinator a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event date. The COI shall name “The Corporation of the City of Stratford, P. O. Box 818, 1 Wellington Street, Stratford Ontario, N5A 6W1” as an Additional Insured for Commercial General Liability in the minimum amount of $5 million dollars. The City reserves the right to require additional coverage as noted below:
A blank Certificate of Insurance template to be completed by the insurer is available here. |
Depending on the nature of the event, supplementary documents may also be required closer to the event such as payment for late fees, a business licence, a list of floats and displays, alcohol permits, etc. A full list of required documents will be outlined in the Special Event Permit once issued. |
Step Four: Firm Special Event Application Permit Issued
Firm approval will be granted once proof of all required documents is provided.
Events are to take place as approved by the Special Event Permit and organizers will be responsible for the returning City assets back to original conditions.
Accessibility |
A guiding principle in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is that persons and organizations shall identify, remove and prevent barriers. The City of Stratford encourages barrier-free events. Organizers shall plan in advance to ensure the event is accessible and enjoyable for all who wish to participate. Accessibility is not only for persons with disabilities but also for seniors and families using strollers and for all those attending the event. Review the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility’s Guide to Accessible Festivals & Outdoor Events for more information. |
Advertising |
See Signage. |
Alcohol |
See Liquor Licence. |
Amusement Rides and Inflatables |
The use of Amusement Rides and/or Inflatables at events requires additional documents and safety parameters. All rides and inflatables shall meet the safety requirements as outlined in the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) guidelines. Tie-down straps and electrical cords shall be positioned so as not to cause trip hazards. Inflatables shall be deflated and removed from event site daily. All rides and inflatables shall be appropriately weighted down and staffed at all times. It is recommended that inflatables be weighted by concrete blocks or water barrels. For information on digging/staking, jump to Utility Locates. See Insurance for additional insurance requirements for operation of Amusement Rides and/or Inflatables at events. |
Animals |
Event organizers wishing to have live animals at their event shall be in compliance with By-law 89-2003, which states: 2. That circuses or other live exhibitions with performing exotic or wild animals shall be prohibited within the municipal boundaries of the City of Stratford.The use of domestic animals shall be reviewed by Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH). |
Auctions and Auctioneers |
Events featuring live auctions shall obtain a Business Licence. See Business Licence. |
All-Terrain Vehicles |
All-Terrain Vehicles and Off Road Vehicles are prohibited on streets, recreational trails and municipal property per By-law 65-2020. An exemption must be granted by Stratford City Council should the event organizers wish to operate ATVs as part of the event. See Insurance for additional insurance requirements for operation of ATVs at events. |
Bicycles |
Bicycles associated with the event must obey all signage and rules of the road. See also Vehicles. |
Board of Park Management |
All events held in the Parks System are subject to approval from the Stratford Board of Park Management. The Board of Park Management is responsible for setting policy to maintain, improve and expand the City's existing designated parkland and consider the overall municipal beautification of parks and to co-operate with future expansion and development of parks. First-time events shall submit a written Letter of Request to the Board to the attention of Teresa Munro, secretary of the Board. Recurring events with prior approval shall provide in writing all on-site details annually for the information of the Board. The Board of Park Management's Policies and By-laws prohibit advertisements, signs, and selling in the Parks System unless an exemption has been granted by the Board. Organizers shall ensure measures are in places to maintain utmost protection and care of turf. Click here to download a sample Letter of Request template. |
Business Licence |
Event organizers wishing to sell goods and/or services at their event must comply with By-law 187-2004 and obtain a Business Licence from the Clerk’s Office. Visit the Business Licence webpage to access the application. A list of all vendors including contact information and details of products/services being offered must be included and submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event date. Food vendors intending to sell or serve food must also submit a Food Vendor Applications to Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) as part of the Business Licence process. Food truck vendors must be in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code for the applicable season. See Food for more information. The City of Stratford strongly recommends any event organizer working with vendors to protect themselves by ensuring vendors have appropriate insurance coverage. |
Camping and Overnight Arrangements |
Prior approval from City staff is required for anyone remaining on-site overnight for security and monitoring purposes. Camping is prohibited within the regulations governed by The Board of Park Management as follows: 1.T) No person shall pitch a tent, set up a trailer or park mobile accommodation for the purposes of camping or storage or sleep overnight in any manner, except with the written permission of the Board. See Security for more details. |
Chalk and Other Markings |
All markings created by washable paint or chalk on city streets, sidewalks or any other municipal property shall be removed immediately following the event. Failure to do so will result in the organizer being billed for cleanup costs. All flags and other markings are to be collected immediately following the event. See also Signage. |
Damage and Security Deposits |
See Fees and Costs. |
Demonstrations and Rallies |
Demonstrations, rallies or actions that may incite violence of any kind are not permitted on municipal property including sidewalks and roadways. Events occurring on municipal property shall not promote or endorse views and ideas that may or are likely to promote discrimination in any form and must be consistent with City’s core values. |
Electrical Guidelines |
Access to electrical services is available at some City facilities and must be approved by City staff. Depending on the complexity of the electrical setup, a permit or inspection may be required by City staff and/or the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). Any special requirements for electrical hook-ups or disconnections to facility equipment are to be completed by the City’s licensed electrician, at the organizer’s sole cost and expense. Organizers are to ensure that all tripping hazards are marked to ensure the safety of the patrons attending the event, especially in regards to extension cords. Use and location of generators are subject to City staff’s approval. |
Emergency Lanes and Access Routes/Points |
A six-meter emergency lane shall be maintained on all road allowances for the duration of temporary road closures with the exception of parades. A designated person shall be present at all closure points to remove the barricades in the event of an emergency response to the location. See Road Closures. |
Entandem |
Entandem is a joint venture between RE:SOUND and SOCAN, created to simplify the licensing process so you can play all the music you want at your event legally and ethically, ensuring that those who made the music are compensated. Please refer to the Entandem website for more information. |
Filming and Film Permits |
News media are permitted to film in public areas without a Special Event Permit. All other filming productions are required to complete the Special Event Application. Production crews are responsible for obtaining proper permissions to film on private property. Filming cannot impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic at any time unless approved by the City in advance. |
Fire Pits, Fireworks, and Open Burn Permits |
Events seeking to display fireworks for a special event shall abide by Fireworks By-law 73-2006 and obtain a Fireworks Permit from Stratford Fire Department. Contact the Fire Department at 519-271-3212 (non-emergency number) for additional information regarding Fireworks Permits. Council approval is required to discharge fireworks on municipal property. A burn permit is required to have a recreational pit on-site and organizers shall abide by Open Burn By-law 5-2006. The location of the burn pit is subject to the approval of the Fire Department. Burn permits are permitted between 4:00pm and 11:00pm. An exemption from Council is required to operate outside of the permitted hours. All recreation fires are required to meet the following conditions:
Flying lanterns with candle flames are not permitted on municipal property. |
First Aid Services |
It is strongly recommended that all event organizers have emergency procedures in place prior to the event. Depending on the nature of the event, an Emergency Action Plan may be required to ensure all staff, volunteers, vendors, and security are prepared for a medical emergency. It is recommended that certified first aid services such as St. Johns Ambulance be on-site for large events. Should an emergency occur, call 911. |
Food |
Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) must be notified if food is being served at an event. Go to the HPPH’s website for instructions on Special Events and to complete the Organizer Form. A business licence is required if food is being sold. Food truck vendors must be in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code for the applicable season. See the Business Licence for more webpage information. If organizers wish to have a barbeque on-site, it must be 3 metres away from anything combustible and any building opening. A 3A-10BC fire extinguisher must be present for the duration of the event. |
Fees and Costs |
There is no fee for the Special Event Application process. Reach out to the corresponding booker for fees associated with facility rentals. The fees and charges are listed in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 190-2018 and are adjusted annually on 1 January according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Fees may be associated with supplementary documents needed for the event such as permits or licences. |
Green Initiatives |
The City of Stratford, together with Canadian Federation of University Women Stratford, has created two helpful event planning Tip-Sheets. Check out the "Guide to Greener Events" and "Ideas to Host Greener Events" documents linked at the bottom of the Recycling Collection page. |
Water Fountains, Bottle Fills, Hydration Station |
In an effort to further promote municipal drinking water, and to cut down on single-use plastic water bottles, the City of Stratford has water fountains with bottle fill taps on municipal property. The locations are:
In locations where there aren't permanent water fountains, a Hydration Station can be reserved. The request must be made through the City's Application for Outdoor Events on Municipal Property. |
Inflatables |
See Amusement Rides and Inflatables. |
Insurance |
Proof of insurance coverage is required for all events taking place on municipal property including streets and sidewalks. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance (COI) is due to the City’s Events Coordinator a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event date. The COI shall name “The Corporation of the City of Stratford, P. O. Box 818, 1 Wellington Street, Stratford Ontario, N5A 6W1” as an Additional Insured for Commercial General Liability in the minimum amount of $5 million dollars. The City reserves the right to require additional coverage as noted below:
A blank Certificate of Insurance template to be completed by the insurer is available here. |
Liquor Licence |
Event organizers wishing to serve or sell alcohol on municipal property shall comply with the Liquor Licence Act, RSO 1990 (LLA), the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) regulations, and City of Stratford’s policies including the Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) and the Special Occasions Permit: Public Events with Municipal Significance Policy. The Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) outlines the requirements for servers, monitors, licenced security, and signage for municipal facilities as determined by the City. Organizers are required to abide the MAP for the duration of the event. An Organizer Checklist handout has been created to assist in the planning of events with alcohol. See Insurance for additional insurance requirements for events serving liquor. Per the P.3.7 Special Occasions Permit: Public Events with Municipal Significance Policy, all public events must notify the Municipality via the Clerk’s Office to request permission from Council to host the event. If approved, an endorsement letter from Council will be provided to organizers. The AGCO regulates the Liquor Licence Act and administers Special Occasion Permits (SOP) and Catering Endorsement requests, which allows for the sale and service of alcohol at events. Visit the AGCO’s Online Portal to apply for a permit. For all events, alcohol may not be used for raffles or as a prize for any games per AGCO regulations. As part of the AGCO process, written notices shall be sent to:
Lottery and Raffles |
Gambling, gaming, or games of chance such as 50/50, raffles, lotteries, and Bingo games are subject to licensing and regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). Organizations wishing to host events with lotteries or raffles shall first complete an eligibility questionnaire and provide supporting documents. The eligibility process may take up to 30 days. Visit the Lottery Licensing webpage for more information. |
Mobi-Mat |
The Stratford Accessibility Advisory Committee has three (3) Mobi-Mats available to utilize during your event to improve accessibility and enjoyment for events hosted in Stratford. What is a Mobi–Mat? A Mobi-Mat is a sturdy mat made from non-slip material which provides stability on uneven surfaces such as sand, gravel or long grass. How may a Mobi-Mat be useful? For events occurring on uneven terrain that may become muddy after excessive use, organizers can utilize a Mobi-Mat. This will ensure that those using mobile devices, push chairs or walking aids are able to enjoy the full benefits of moving around more confidently. For more information please contact Oonagh Vaucrosson - Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator |
Music |
The Noise Control By-law 113-79 outlines the permitted times for amplified sound. For requests to permit amplified noise outside permitted hours, see Noise Exemption. See also Entandem. |
Neighbourhood Block Party Parametres |
The following conditions apply for all neighbourhood block parties requesting road closures:
Neighbourhood parties contained on private property and are subject to applicable City By-laws, including the Noise Control By-law 113-79, and do not require a Special Event Permit. |
Noise Exemption |
The Noise Control By-law 113-19 outlines the permitted times of amplified sound. Events requesting amplified noise outside of the permitted hours require an exemption. Notices must be delivered to businesses and residents within 120 metres of the event location. A list of addresses will be provided by the City. If the event is new or has made changes since prior approval, the request for an exemption will be reviewed by Council. Review the Noise Control By-law Exemption Overview handout for more details. |
Parking and Use of Municipal Parking Spaces/Lots |
Events expecting more than 500 people require a parking plan that shall identify the following:
Parking maps are available here. A request for use of municipal parking lots, metered spaces, or on-street spaces is subject to approval from the Parking Division. Should approval be granted, organizers are responsible for distributing notices to all applicable permit holders in advance of the event. A list will be provided by the Clerk’s Office. Use of the parallel parking spots on Market Place for Food Truck placement will be reviewed on a case by case basis and, if approved, is subject to the following conditions:
Parking lot closures and/or use of parallel parking spaces shall not be used for the purpose of event attendee parking. |
Recycling |
Organizers are responsible for effective waste management solutions at their event and determining a proper recycling plan in accordance with the City’s Waste Management and Collection By-law 53-97. Review the Blue Box Collection Overview handout. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in organizers re-sorting bins or organizers being billed for cleanup. The City of Stratford encourages waste reduction and discourages distribution and sale of commercially-packaged bottled water at events. See also Green Initiatives and Waste Management. |
Road Closures |
Approval is required from the Director of Infrastructure and Development Services for road closures per the Delegation of Authority By-law 135-2017. The City’s Events Coordinator will request approval on the event’s behalf and will advise if there are any concerns. A six-metre emergency lane must be maintained on the road allowance. Organizers may be responsible for policing the space starting at 6:00 a.m. daily. A designated person shall be present at all closure points to remove the barricades in the event of an emergency response to the location. Closures shall not be used for the purpose of attendee parking. Depending on the nature of the road closures, a Safety Plan may be required to identify controls that will be in place to manage traffic, pedestrian, and participant safety. Event organizers shall make every effort to avoid conflict with transit routes and bus stops that would result in service disruptions. Route maps are available on the transit webpage. Ontario Street, Erie Street, and Huron Street are connecting links and require approval from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). The City will contact the MTO on the event’s behalf. The MTO and City reserve the right to deny or cancel use of Ontario Street, Erie Street, and Huron Street, or any other street at their discretion. See Insurance for additional insurance requirements for road closures. |
Security |
Security may be needed to support the event through crowd control, prevention of theft and/or vandalism, and to act as a deterrent for potential problems. Organizers may be required to hire licenced security and/or provide a Security Plan outlining the measures in place. The costs associated with hiring security are the responsibility of the event organizer. The City of Stratford is not responsible for items left overnight on municipal property in between event days. It is recommended that organizers hire overnight security to monitor event elements in this scenario. All overnight arrangements must be approved in advance. See also Camping and Overnight Arrangements. |
Sidewalks, Walking Paths, and Trails |
All event participants are required to use sidewalks, walking paths, and/or trails for walking and/or portions of the event, as applicable unless previously approved otherwise. Pedestrian traffic associated with the event shall not impede other users of walking paths, sidewalks, and/or trails. |
Signage |
Promotional event signage must be in compliance with the Sign By-law 159-2004. As adopted by City Council at the February 23, 2015 Council meeting, non-profit organizations are exempt from obtaining a permit provided the organization meets with By-law Enforcement to ensure compliance. For information on obtaining a Sign Permit or a Sign Variance, contact the By-law Office at 519-271-0250, Ext. 327. Advertising is prohibited in the Parks within the regulations governed by The Board of Park Management as follows:
Smoking and Vaping |
Organizers are required to abide by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 and the Smoking in Public Places and Work Places By-law 174-2003, which prohibits smoking, vaping of tobacco or cannabis within 20 metres (65 feet) of playgrounds, recreation amenities, and open space such as Market Square. |
Stages |
Temporary stages that are more than 2 feet above grade require a building permit. Contact the Building and Planning Division at 519-271-0250, Ext. 217 regarding permits for stages. |
Staking and Digging |
Refer to Utility Locates. |
Tents |
It is the responsibility of event organizers to ensure tents are properly weighted and secured for any adverse weather situation. Adequate walkway clearance shall be maintained between and around stationary structures in relation to temporary structures. Tents in excess of 646 square feet (~25 feet x ~25 feet) or any size tent attached to a building or constructed within 10 feet of a building require a building permit per the Ontario Building Code. Contact the Building and Planning Division at 519-271-0250, Ext. 217 regarding permits for tents. See also Utility Locates. Generators must be located outside of the tent to reduce the risk of potential carbon monoxide issues. |
Utility Locates |
Organizers shall at no time drill into the City roadway for any tent supports and an alternate method of supports, such as concrete blocks and/or water barrels, shall be used. Underground utilities are buried below the surface ground including hydro and irrigation lines. Utility locates shall be conducted prior to staking into the ground. Any costs associated with conducting utility locates will be the responsibility of the event organizer. |
Vehicles |
Vehicles associated with the event must obey all signage and rules of the road. Driving/parking on grass is not permitted unless prior approval by Parks Management has been granted for the event. Be aware that event plans may need to be altered in the case of inclement weather. Damage from vehicles as a result of poor weather may result in a charge for the event organizers. Market Square is a pedestrian space and it is recommended that vehicles do not drive across Market Square unless absolutely necessary. Should a vehicle be required to drive across the square, a spotter wearing a safety vest shall be used. Vehicles are not permitted to drive across the water feature area and they cannot block the doors to the back of City Hall. Vehicles shall at no time impede transit routes or the emergency access lane of a temporary road closure. |
Valet Bicycle Racks |
The City of Stratford’s Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) has purchased Valet Bicycle Racks that are available for event organizers to use at community events. A valet bike service is a great way to encourage eco-friendly transportation for patrons to travel to your event. Valet bicycle racks provide additional bike parking where permanent parking may be limited or unavailable. A valet bike service requires some human power.
Vendors |
Refer to Business Licence. |
Washrooms |
There are a number of restrooms throughout the City, available for public use. A list of public restrooms is available on the City’s website. Event organizers are responsible for providing sufficient washrooms facilities for attendees. The City of Stratford recommends that one washroom (stall) be available at a ratio of 1:100 for events. Arrangements may be made to extend washroom hours for events on a case by case basis and additional fees may apply, which are borne to the organizer. The City reserves the right to require additional washroom stalls to be provided at the sole cost of the organizer based on the nature, length of time, and expected attendance. |
Waste Management |
Organizers are responsible for effective waste management solutions at their event and determining a proper waste management plan in accordance with the City’s Waste Management and Collection By-law 53-97. Organizers will be responsible for moving garbage bags to a pre-determined designated location. Additional garbage drums may be requested through the Special Event Application and will be provided by the Parks Department. Roll-off bins such as open top dumpsters may be required for events expected to produce large amounts of waste. Organizers are responsible for the safe disposal of grease and oil. Be advised that discharge of water and/or products into the storm/sanitary sewer system is prohibited by Sewer Use By-law 65-70. The City of Stratford encourages waste reduction and discourages distribution and sale of commercially-packaged bottled water at events. See also Green Initiatives and Recycling. |
Weather Conditions |
Event organizers are responsible for tracking and communicating extreme weather conditions to event participants and attendees before and during events. Extreme weather conditions include high winds, heavy rain, snow, and hot temperatures, which can pose safety risks for vendors and participants. Event organizers are responsible for ensuring all temporary structures including tents are weighted down appropriately and securely in preparation for any weather forecast. Outdoor events held during the winter season shall make necessary arrangements for sidewalk and road clearing should it be required outside normal operating schedules. |